Michigan Association of Health Plans

Membership Information

Purpose and Responsibility of Membership

Under the bylaws adopted by the Board of Directors of the Michigan Association of Health Plans, the Association is organized and operated exclusively for:

  • The recommendation of modifications to existing State and Federal statutes, rules, and
    regulations which affect the organization and operation of health plans within the State.
  • The review of proposed legislation and the preparation of legislation inteded to expand
    the availability and improve the delivery of health care by health plans in the State of Michigan.
  • The promotion of the betterment of the public health throughout the State through the
    expanded utilization of preventive health care techniques, especially those involving health plans. The dissemination to the public of information concerning the services, aims, efficiency, operations, and health care delivery benefits offered through health plans.
  • The promotion of such communication and information exchanges between health plans
    in the State which improve health plans, efficiency, lower costs, and expand the scope of health care services available to the public, while reducing unreasonable restraints on trade and regulating unlawful and unfair competition positions.
  • The promotion of cost-effective techniques, procedures, and purchasing by health plans
    throughout the State of Michi gan.

Membership Classification

MAHP has five different type of memberships and they are defined in our bylaws as:

  • Full Organizational Membership
  • Associate Organizational Membership
  • Limited Organization Membership
  • Business Affiliate Membership
  • Friends of MAHP
Full Organizational Member

A Full Organizational Member is an organization authorized as a Health Maintenance Organization under chapter 35 of Michigan’s Insurance Code.

Annual Membership Dues: $21,200 – $106,000

Associate Organizational Member

An Associate Organizational Member is a physician organization, a physician-hospital organization, or other physician organized group, a hospital system, or a federal and/or state recognized accountable care organization that pledges to support the purposes of the Corporation.

Annual Membership Dues: $5,000 – $15,000

Limited Organizational Member

A Limited Organizational Member is an organization which provides or arranges for the provision of health services but which does not meet all of the attributes of Full Organizational Members, and which pledges to support the purposes of the Corporation.

Annual Membership Dues: $3,750

Business Affiliate Member

A Business Affiliate Member is an organiza­tion that provides services for the Full Organizational members of the Corporation and which pledges to support the purposes of the Corporation.

Annual Membership Dues: $2,500

Friends of MAHP

A Friends of MAHP Member is a person that does not otherwise meet the requirements and definitions of Full Organizational, Associate Organizational, Limited Organizational, or Business Affiliate membership levels and who wishes to be aligned with the Michigan Association of Health Plans.

Annual Membership Dues: $0

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Membership Contact

For more membership information please contact our Business Manager, Christine Sundell.

Christine Sundell Business Manager
Michigan Association of Health Plans
327 Seymour Avenue | Lansing, MI 48933

Media Contact

For media information please contact:

Andrea Kerbuski Martin Waymire

[email protected]

Adam Bitely Martin Waymire

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