Our Mission
The Michigan Association of Health Plans is a nonprofit corporation established to promote the interests of member health plans. The mission of the Michigan Association of Health Plans (MAHP) is to provide leadership for the promotion and advocacy of high quality, affordable, equitable, and accessible health care for the people of Michigan.

Staff & Executive CommitteeMembers
Full Members
Aetna Better Health of Michigan
Health Alliance Plan
McLaren Health Plan
Molina Health Plan
Paramount Care of Michigan
Priority Health
UnitedHealthCare Community Plan
University of Michigan Health Plan
Upper Peninsula Health Plan
Associate Organizational Member
Medical Network One, PC
Limited Members
Delta Dental Plan of Michigan
DENCAP Dental Plans
Liberty Dental
Team Wellness
Business Affiliate Members
Alivi Health
Bayer Healthcare
Bausch & Lomb
Cohere Health, Inc.
CoventBridge Group
Forensic Fluids Laboratories
Gilead Sciences, Inc.
Goodroot, Inc.
Incyte Corporation
Infusion Associates
Inovalon, Inc.
Institute for Health Policy
J and B Medical
Johnson & Johnson Health Systems
Lilly, USA
Michigan Health Information Network
Michigan Home Community Services Network (MHCSN)
Michigan Public Health Institute
National Kidney Foundation of Michigan
Novo Nordisk
Personal Accounting Services
Plante & Moran
Prolacta Bioscience
SafeRide Health
Sellers Dorsey & Associates
Small Business Association of Michigan
Tabula Rasa Healthcare
Takeda Pharmaceuticals
Tomorrow Health
Trividia Health
Vital Data Technology
Pinnacle Awards
We recognize programs developed by MAHP members from around the state as Pinnacle Award winners for their outstanding contributions to increasing efficiency and patient care, helping lower costs and increase service to Michigan patients.
Ellis J. Bonner Outstanding Achievement Award
On February 9, 1995, the HMO industry lost a dedicated leader and tireless worker – Ellis James Bonner. His leadership and dedication inspired the HMO community from its earliest beginnings, and he helped it grow into today’s thriving industry. Among his many contributions, Mr. Bonner was instrumental in developing the Group Health Foundation’ s Minority Training Program. He was a tremendous mentor, role model, and national leader in the health care industry.
In his memory, the Association created the Ellis J. Bonner Outstanding Achievement Award. This award is given to a member of MAHP who has been nominated by his/her colleagues based upon their exemplary service, leadership and contributions to the managed care industry and community.
Legislator of the Year Award
Each year the Association chooses a member of the Michigan House of Representatives and a member of the Michigan Senate for their outstanding leadership, commitment, and tireless advocacy in working with the health care community to promote and support high quality, affordable, accessible health care for the citizens of Michigan.
Eugene B. Farnum Award
In October 2003, Gene Farnum succumbed to cancer and the HMO industry lost a leader, advocate and friend. He was keenly in tune with the complexities of the state legislative and administrative process and the importance of getting involved. A man of great patience, Gene understood that the democratic process is one that requires patience — and the art of compromise. A remarkable collaborator, Gene could take opposing sides, bring them to the table and emerge with a compromise to ensure that we continued to improve the health care quality in Michigan for all it citizens, most especially those whose voices are least heard. His quiet heroism and confidence in the legislative process was an example of true statesmanship.
In his memory, the Association created The Eugene Farnum Award. This award is intended to honor those who reflect the values that Gene exemplified: collaboration, a sense of balance, fairness and integrity — and who share his vision of access to quality, affordable health care for Michigan citizens.
MAHP President’s Recognition Award
This award is given at the discretion of the MAHP President.
The MAHP Foundation
The Michigan Association of Health Plans (MAHP) Foundation collaborates with public and private partners to conduct research projects related to managed care, chronic disease and health care quality improvement; and to provide education and resources for the public and for health professionals about chronic disease. This foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
The Michigan Association of Health Plans launched the MAHP Foundation in 1998, as a vehicle to conduct research on issues affecting health plans and their members. The MAHP Foundation works to address several objectives:
- To stimulate health plans to achieve prevention and public health goals, in conjunction with their communities
- To link health plan initiatives in disease management, with emphasis on assessing outcomes and disseminating findings
- To create better alignment between medical and allied medical training programs and managed care approaches.
The MAHP Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
For more information about the MAHP Foundation, please contact Lisa Farnum via the contact form.
Michigan ACE Initiative
The Michigan ACE Initiative was created by the MAHP Foundation and works to expand efforts toward a statewide awareness of the Adverse Childhood Experiences.
The Initiative has also developed a statewide coalition to recommend appropriate interventions and policy. This program is aimed at benefitting the health and wellness of Michigan’s children.
The MAHP Foundation works with a variety of health, social welfare and education groups in collaboration with state agencies to grow the initiative. Visit the Michigan ACE Initiative website for more information.
Genomics: Hereditary Cancer Risk and Management
The MAHP Foundation, MAHP member plans and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Cancer Genomics Program collaborated to promote cancer genomics best practices in genetic counseling and testing. As a result of this partnership, several resources are available to help you learn more about hereditary cancer risk, and evidence-based guidelines for genetic testing for breast and ovarian cancer risk. Information for patients and families is also available. Links to access information are available below:
- MDHHS Hereditary Cancer Toolkit
- Information for Insurers and Health Plan Administrators
- Video: Genetics 101
- Video: Genetic Testing Guidelines and Resources
- Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer: Is Your Patient at High Risk?
- Michigan Cancer Genetics Alliance/Michigan Cancer Consortium Position Paper on Genetic Counseling and Testing for Hereditary Cancer
- Healthy People 2020 Genomics Objectives
- GeneTests
- National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Guidelines
- US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) Grade B Recommendation for BRCA
- Michigan Informed Consent Law Brochure PDF
- Michigan Cancer Genetics Alliance (MCGA) – Cancer Genetics Clinical Directory
- BRCA1 and BRCA2 Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer review
- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services – Criteria for coverage of BRCA1/2 testing
- Evaluation of Genomic Applications in Practice and Prevention (EGAPP) Lynch Syndrome Recommendation
- Resource Order Form PDF – MDHHS Cancer Genomics Program
- CDC Bring Your Brave Campaign
- Michigan Association of Health Plans, by Dominick Pallone, MAHP Deputy Director
- CME Module for 2.0 credits: Hereditary Cancer Syndromes: Are Your Patients at Risk?
- Video: Genetic Testing for Inherited Risk for Cancer
- Hereditary Cancer Risk Assessment Tool
- Family History and Your Health fact card
- Cancer and Family Health History fact card
- Family History and Your Health for Native Americans fact card
- Updated order form for printed resources
- Hereditary cancer syndromes: Are your patients at risk?
- What do I need to know before genetic testing?